Association Emmanuel

Association Emmanuel

Parce que chaque enfant, peu importe sa condition, a droit à une famille.

Choisir l'enfant différent ♡

About Association Emmanuel

When social services are unable to find an adoptive family, Association Emmanuel works actively to promote the adoption of every child, no matter what special needs they may have. Association Emmanuel was founded in 1987...

Board of Directors and Team

Find out more about the people behind the Association, who work every day to raise its profile, with the needs of different children at the heart of every decision they make. Board of Directors David...

Contact us

You have any questions about our services, or would you like more information about welcoming a child with special needs? We look forward to hearing from you and answering your questions. Our contacts details By...


Our annual fundraising campaign is underway. Thank you for supporting our mission.

Giving the right to a family is everyone’s business.
Because of your contributions, children will find a place forever.
Thank you for making a difference.