Association Emmanuel
Board of Directors and Team

Board of Directors and Team

Find out more about the people behind the Association, who work every day to raise its profile, with the needs of different children at the heart of every decision they make.

Board of Directors

David Langlais, président (Montérégie)
Marie-Anne Grenon, vice-présidente (Montréal)
Jacinthe Desrochers, trésorière (Montérégie)
Aude Le Cottier, secrétaire (Montréal)
Anne-Marie Duquette, administratrice (Montréal)
Kerline François, administratrice (Montréal)
Nathalie Tremblay, administratrice (Saguenay―Lac-Saint-Jean)
Véronique Vaillant, administratrice (Nord-du-Québec)

To contact the President and Board of Directors


Danielle Piché
General Manager

The Team

Sarah Paquin
Family and Social Services Worker

Diane Fortin
Head of Communications and Digital Philanthropy